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Senior Rails Engineer (CDI, remote)

Salaire : Non spécifié
Télétravail total
Expérience : > 5 ans
Éducation : Bac +5 / Master


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Le poste

Descriptif du poste

Elevo is looking for a Senior Full-Stack Rails Engineer to take a prime role in our team of 5

As a Senior Full-Stack Rails engineer in our small team, you will:

  • Guide the implementation of the back-end vision
  • Advice and iterate on the whole app vision (front-end interaction, infrastructure)
  • Jointly design, deliver and monitor new features
  • Interact with the codebase as a whole (it’s not a solely back-end role, you will have to write JavaScript)
  • Share your expertise and technical vision
  • Mentor newcomers and less-new-comers :)

Some example of things you could/would have work on:

  • Split our back-end into sub-domains
  • Refine our back-end model to untangle our codebase as the product matures
  • Introduce a new serialization paradigm (with good reasons)
  • Explain and pair with a junior on the team on how to optimize a slow endpoint in production
  • Comment on the design document of a new feature
  • Write unit, integration and E2E tests to ensure everything is ticking nicely before a release
  • Design a unified filtering capability, usable everywhere on the app
  • Work with the front-end lead to make our auto-save ever-more reliable
  • Add an external integration with a third party API with which to sync user data

Profil recherché

🧐 Your are a pragmatic person
🎓 You like to think through challenges to deliver the best product possible
👑 You care about our customer experience
🏆 You have at least 5 years of professional experience, with a significant experience in a Rails environment on an SPA app
🧮 You have extensive experience of delivering and evolving complex back-ends
📜 You have experience writing modern JavaScript, and are willing to contribute full-stack
🎉 You like to work in a team in a chill and fun spirit

Déroulement des entretiens

1️⃣ Application
2️⃣ Screening (20 min: what we do, what are you looking for)
3️⃣ Programming exercise (1h, CS & algo basics)
4️⃣ Async architecture test (1-2h prep at home, 45min debrief)
5️⃣ Soft skills: Chat with employees and founders

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