
Cette entreprise n'est pas inscrite sur Welcome to the Jungle.

Présentation de Goin

What is Goin:

One of the hottest fintech startups in Europe, with the mission to redefine how digital natives achieve their objectives through automatic saving and investing.

We know finance sucks, we want to be the go-to solution for the creation and fulfillment of goals, being an intelligent user-oriented advisor that will guide digital natives through their finances and help them achieve their dreams.

We work in an agile environment, have a wonderful office with views to the Agbar Tower in sunny Barcelona, free snacks, and a core set of values: Skin in the game: Goin is the personal project of every single one of us. We all have an interest in its success and are motivated to give our best and achieve all objectives. Ikigai: Every Goin team member is encouraged to find their sweet spot within the company, combining what they love, are good at, and future aspirations. Better over best: We are ambitious perfectionists that will continuously strive to do better and go the extra mile to achieve goals and set new ones. We are focused on executing as settling is not within our mindset. Our goal is our users’ goals: Every team member is Goin’s most active user. We continuously use and test with our users in mind, we are customer and product centric.

We are a VC-backed company that raised more than 8M€ in funding and are looking for key additions to support our expansion.

  • Collaborateurs

    Entre 15 et 50 salariés
  • Localisation

  • Secteurs

    FinTech / InsurTech

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    À l’heure où l'on travaille à réduire notre bilan carbone, il nous faut prendre conscience que l’épargne représente notre premier poste d’émissions de CO2, et que l’argent que l’on place a un impact réel sur le monde de demain.

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