

FinTech / InsurTech, SaaS / Cloud Services, Transaction Services


Roland est le fondateur d'Hero. Entrepreneur depuis sa sortie d'école de commerce, il a déjà monté 2 précédentes start-up dans le domaine de la beauté et du crédit, à Paris et Barcelone.

Il aime particulièrement voyager, découvrir de nouvelles cultures et sortir de sa zone de confort.

C'est pour cela qu'il a monté Hero ! Enfin, Roland est pilote d'avion à ses heures perdues, c'est le partenaire idéal de votre road-trip autour du globe.

Arnaud is the Head of Sales at Hero. He gained valuable experience in a startup that became a unicorn, where he held various roles such as SDR, AE, and SDR & AE manager. After five years of learning, he decided to take on a new challenge and build a sales team from scratch.

His days are divided between coaching the eight salespeople he manages, anticipating the team's needs to achieve Hero's objectives (such as recruitment, processes, and sales efficiency), and analyzing and reporting to the CEO. With the launch of the Spanish market and the upcoming German market, an international dimension has been added to his responsibilities.

In his free time, he participates in coinche tournaments as a hobby. If you want to learn how to play or are an experienced coinche player looking for new partners, don't hesitate to ask him !

Bilal is Hero's Chief of Staff. He began his career as a strategy consultant at McKinsey before transitioning to the marketplaces world at Mirakl, where he structured the market insights team. In 2022, he joined Hero's adventure in the FinTech and early stage world.

As the CEO's right-hand man, Bilal has a wide range of missions. These include defining the company's strategy, creating steering and scaling tools, and engaging in discussions with strategic partners.

His superpower? He is unbeatable in Age of Empires and Smash Bros (as team Link + Daraen) :p

Aure is an Account Executive at Hero. Initially she worked in the luxury hospitality industry and then decided to join the startup nation as a Sales to enhance her impact on customers and their business.

After a successful experience in the B2B industry, Aure wanted to join a fast growing start-up. Aure's position as a "full stack" sales person. She is capable of handling all steps of the sales cycle, including lead generation, demos, negotiations, and closing.

But Aure has more than one string to her bow: she is a great globetrotter ! After having lived in more than 4 different countries, she is multilingual and now speaks fluently English, Spanish, French and Portuguese.

Jonathan est le CTO d'Hero. Il a quitté sa confortable position de coach technique pour équipes agiles afin de monter un projet à fort impact en étant aux commandes !

Depuis le début d'Hero, Jonathan a développé le MVP, recruté et formé ses 4 premiers développeurs tout en ayant un fort impact sur le Produit. Son expertise technique n'a d'égale que sa bonne humeur au quotidien !

Pour finir, Joey passe son temps à voyager partout dans le monde pour assouvir sa soif de découvertes et de rencontres.

Paul est le 1er employé d'Hero. C'est sa troisième aventure entrepreneuriale en tant que premier employé dans le domaine du paiement.

Passionné par la fraude, les escroqueries financières et les start-up, il a rejoint Hero pour mettre à profit son expertise en gestion du risque financier.

Ses seuls diplômes ? Un bac S et une année à l'école 42 non finalisée ! Pour finir, si vous aimez jouer aux échecs ou à un jeu de stratégie, c'est la personne à challenger !


Who We Are 🌟

Hero is on a mission to become the go-to financial partner for Europe's digital SMEs. We stand out as an indispensable one-stop shop, offering more than just banking services — we provide ongoing support that helps businesses grow. Our commitment is to deliver a solution that maximizes value and minimizes costs to aid the growth of our SMEs, offering a business account that forms the foundation of their financial management. With our strong expertise in short-term credit, we are the unique European solution for professionals, integrating payment, credit, and banking services under one roof (soon to come!). We meticulously design our services to be flexible, scalable, and seamlessly integrated at every stage of a company's growth, all accessible through a single professional account.

To bring this vision into reality, we have recently raised 11.3m€ from Valar Venture (Peter Thiel’s VC fund), more information below: https://techcrunch.com/2024/06/20/hero-wants-to-save-the-day-for-companies-facing-a-working-capital-crunch/

What Sets Us Apart 💼

  • Comprehensive Business Accounts: At Hero, we offer more than a business account; we offer a financial ecosystem designed to own the ledger of SMEs. It’s not just a place to store money, but a platform to empower financial decision-making and strategic growth.
  • Expertise in Credit Solutions: Our proficiency in short-term credit is not just a service; it's a strategic advantage for our clients. We understand the need for accessible, flexible credit solutions that align with the dynamic pace of digital SMEs.

Our Major Strengths 🔥

  • 🤖 A kick-ass product: The All-In-One Account That Support Your Growth
  • 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 A talented and international team: 45 employees from the best European Scale-ups (Mirakl, Agicap, Alma, PayFit)
  • 💸 A robust financial structure: €18 million raised + over €4 million in revenue after 2.5 years + recently raised €50 million in debt to fuel our ambition.
  • 🌍 A European presence: France, Spain, Italy, Germany, and many more markets to come.

Ce qu'ils recherchent

Joining Hero means accelerating your career with expert, passionate and close-knit employees.

In a context of very strong growth, we are looking to recruit people who share our values:

  • Entrepreneurial mindset. We are still at a very early stage and we are not ashamed to say that we have not set up all the processes, we define ourselves as builders where it's better done than perfect. Because it is together, with the initiative of our employees, that we are shaping Hero a little more each day. If you want to be part of an entrepreneurial adventure, if you like to start from scratch, then you are definitely knocking at the right door.

  • Ability to lift mountains. Like our many customers and investors, we are firmly convinced of our product’s value proposition. Everyday, we help small and medium businesses to grow / not to go bankrupt by granting them payment facilities. The Total Addressable Market (TAM) is huge and we are determined to make Hero the 1st B2B payment in the world.

  • Radical transparency. We strongly believe that communication is the key to success. We encourage all our employees to be vocal, no matter how long they've been with the company, whatever their level of seniority, everyone has a say, as long as the feedback is constructive. There is no room for ego here.

Bon à savoir

  • Play a decisive role with high responsibility and a large autonomy
  • Accelerate your career by boosting and diversifying your skills
  • Evolve in the long-term in a fast-moving and international environment where new in-house opportunities abound
  • Take advantage of a competitive salary above the market’s average
  • Join a team of real experts from whom you will learn a lot and with whom you will enjoy sharing and celebrating moments : All Hands on Monday (performance review lead by the founder and your peers), Lunch out at the restaurant on Friday , AFW once a week, Offsite in Barcelona

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