Meet Damien, Lead ingénieur R&D
Damien alias Le MarseillaisMember of the R&D crew since 2014. He always wanted to be able to play an instrument, but never succeeded, so he uses his brilliant brain to make up for this lack and have fun with the sound. In addition to developing new audio effects, he’s also the golden ears of the company! Damien is someone who's very passionate about his job and shares his passion with all new employees upon their onboarding during his famous training course. He’s also a devoted teacher in Centrale-Lille, the school where he was educated years ago, to train idle youth in his beautiful profession and find interns who want to learn more and help Steelseries's growth. In his spare time, he loves listening to music, going to psychedelic concerts or watching a nonmainstream movie. And, of course, supporting his beloved OM and speaking well of Marseille, his homeland.