This position is no longer available.

Senior Front-end Developer - Console Team

Permanent contract
Salary: Not specified
No remote work
Experience: > 3 years


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The position

Job description

Fondée en 1999, Scaleway est la filiale cloud du groupe Iliad, l’un des leaders des télécommunications en Europe. Notre mission est de favoriser une industrie numérique plus responsable en aidant les développeurs et les entreprises à créer, déployer et adapter des applications à n'importe quelle infrastructure.

Depuis nos bureaux situés à Paris et à Lille, nous perfectionnons quotidiennement l'écosystème cloud de Scaleway, dont nous sommes les premiers utilisateurs.

Nos quelques 25 000 clients nous choisissent pour notre redondance multi-AZ, notre expérience-utilisateur fluide, nos datacenters neutres en carbone ainsi que nos outils natifs de gestion d'architectures multi-cloud. Nos produits incluent des solutions entièrement gérées pour le bare metal, la conteneurisation et les architectures serverless, offrant ainsi un choix responsable dans le domaine du cloud computing.

Rejoignez notre équipe dynamique de près de 600 collaborateurs venant de divers horizons, dans un environnement stimulant et international alliant excellence technique, créativité et partage.

About the job

We are looking for talented developers. You will create interfaces for products created and used by developers! You will be shaping our cloud management console. Your main project will be to create a complete cloud ecosystem that is at the same time pragmatic and straightforward.

How we work:

Our managers are coders too! We won’t have it differently : we are tech people, building tech services for tech customers. You will be the first to use Scaleway APIs, so you’ll work in close collaboration with every Product team in the company. You will not need to write backend code, as we have dedicated teams for that!

Console Team:

As our team is growing fast, we have changed the way we work. We have created tribes IaaS, PaaS & Core and squads to have more responsible teams, fully integrated with all teams inside Scaleway. We also have created an internal team working on Design System and Kernel ( internal tools that will improve our Developer Experience).

Inside the Console Team, you will be part of one of this tribe and can help on the Design System or Kernel team.

- Our Design System works on &

- Our kernel Team works on open source tool like and

Minimum Qualifications

  • You’ve already chosen between frontend and backend development
  • You tend to solve your problems with code, rather than dependencies
  • You love JavaScript ES2018 (ES2015, at least)
  • You already used CSS-in-JS
  • You have experience with REST APIs
  • You have written TESTS after TESTS: units and functional
  • You have minimum 3 years of experience already
  • Preferred Qualifications

  • You don’t fall for the hype
  • You truly “Think in React©”
  • You are an HTML & CSS aficionado
  • You know how to practice UI navigation with and without pointers
  • You don't mind peer reviews, you even love them!
  • Responsibilities

  • We do not develop products page-per-page, but rather create a whole design system and its components, check out the repository.
  • Create awesome interfaces for our developers with our beautiful Design Systems.
  • Use our new SDK fully typed & open sourced to create products
  • On PaaS, we have a lot of new products.
  • You will work closely with Design and Product to help them to release the best new product on the market.
  • You will also work on add new features on existing products like Load balancer
  • Based in our offices in Paris or Lille (France)

    Recruitment Process

    - Screening call - 30 mins with the recruiter 

    - Manager Interview - 45 min

    - Technical Interviews with the Team - 2 hours

    - Head of engineering - 30 min 

    - HR Interview - 45 mins

    - Offer sent

    Si vous ne vous voyez pas cocher toutes les cases, n'hésitez pas à postuler tout de même. Ne vous limitez pas à une description de poste - on ne sait jamais !

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