This position is no longer available.

Operation Strategist

Internship(6 months)
Salary: Not specified
Experience: < 6 months
Education: Bachelor's Degree


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The position

Job description

➡️  工作内容

  • 收集、分析与撰写各大品牌折扣文章;

  • 挖掘和探索各大商城和品牌的新品和底价;

  • 介绍和推荐当下热门和经典产品;

➡️  Job Description

  • Collecting, analysing and writing articles on discounts for different brands.

  • Digging and exploring new products and base price from shopping website and brands.

  • Introducing and recommending popular and classic products of the moment.

Preferred experience

➡️  我们希望您:

  • 经常网购,对研究折扣非常感兴趣,也很喜欢推荐折扣以及各类产品给它人

  • 对美妆、护肤、时尚、奢侈品、电子生活等某个品类非常喜欢且了解相应的产品和网站

  • 工作认真负责态度端正,效率高,执行力强;

  • 乐于团队合作和沟通,有责任心;

  • 适应能力较好,踏实肯干;

  • 对折扣有一定了解和认知;



➡️  Preferred Experience

  • Be sensitive to the brand advantages and discounts of online shopping websites. Have clear awareness of famous brands of cosmetics、fashion、luxury and electro.

  • Be willing to recommend and share discounts.

  • Working with a conscientious and responsible attitude, high efficiency and strong execution.

  • Loving teamwork and communicate, with a sense of responsibility.

  • Good adaptability, working seriously.

  • Knowledge and awareness of discounts.

  • Chinese fluency, English proficiency required. Applicants in France, Germany, Spain, Italy, and the UK must be fluent in the local language and familiar with local commerce.

  • ⚠️ Open to international students in France, Germany, Spain, Italy, and the UK. Position available in all these countries.

Recruitment process

➡️  其他信息





**➡️  Additional Information

**Contract: internship (have the opportunity to be long-term contract )

Location: Puteaux, France (92800). Paris-based colleagues work offline, while colleagues in other countries can work remotely online.

Start date: ASAP

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