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About Buster.Ai

📰 Who we are

Founded in 2019, Buster.Ai is developing AI technology to fight misinformation. Our R&D team has created unique semantic analysis algorithms based on machine reading, making us the only actor of this kind in France, and probably one of the most technologically advanced on this topic.

Buster.Ai has ranked first in several international AI challenges applied to fact-checking, information retrieval and mis- and disinformation identification, including CLEF2020, and the prestigious FEVER.AI.

We want to help actors who are impacted by mis- and disinformation, such as:

  • The News Media
  • The Financial industry
  • Digital advertisers, ad verification companies and trade desks
  • Large corporations
  • and of course, the general public.

Buster.Ai is launched its first software suite for the news media in the context of the 2022 French presidential elections.

To support its growth, Buster.Ai is looking for an extremely talented and hands-on Sales Development Representative - Business Developer that will be in charge of user acquisition, growth hacking and revenue generation.

The financial sector, particularly global stock markets, is the most financially impacted by mis- and disinformation. According to a report published by CHEQ and the University of Baltimore, fake news has contributed to stock market losses and volatility of $39 billion in 2019. But the problem has also become widespread in other industries, particularly digital advertising, where brands have unintentionally spent $2.6 billion worth of programmatic advertising worldwide each year on misinformation publishing websites.

In that context, Buster.Ai is recruiting a Sales Development Representative - Business Developer to cover these sectors. This person’s objective will be to consolidate and accelerate commercial activities in these sectors and thus increase the turnover.

  • Employees

    < 15 employees
  • Location

  • Sectors

    Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning

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