This position is no longer available.

V.I.E. Support SSM front office teamFinance

International Corporate Volunteer Program
Salary: Not specified
No remote work

Société Générale
Société Générale

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Questions and answers about the job

The position

Job description

• Analysis and understanding of all issues relevant for each transaction (context as well as environmental, accounting, regulatory constraints and the legal and tax environment of the various transactions...)
• Analysis and modelling of various financing solutions for local and international clients of the bank
• Drafting of document and presentation for both internal approvals and marketing efforts
• Supporting the review of legal documentation assocaited to the transactions
• Monitoring of the existing portfolio and more broadly supporting the team in the various tasks

Profile required
• Graduate with a Master degree from Business/Engineering School or University with a specialization in finance.
• A previous experience in structured finance would be appreciated
• Good communication and presentation skills
• Proficient/Good command of MS Office and in financial modelling
• Fluent in English, Italian is not mandatory but would be a plus

To facilitate the examination of your application by our English-speaking managers, we thank you for applying in English.

The VIE assignment in a nutshell
This VIE in Milan is to begin as soon as possible but you need to plan 3 months between your application date and the beginning of your VIE assignment. It will last 18 months.
The VIE is a specific contract, under Business France's eligibility criteria, opened to candidates under 28 and from the member states of the European Economic Space. For further information (including your financial indemnities), please see Mon VIE-VIA Business France.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact there that your VIE mission could potentially get postponed, depending on the evolution of the health crisis and subjects to the decision made by the Crisis and Support Centre of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE). In addition, the selected candidate will only be paid upon confirmation from Business France and arrival in the country of assignment.

Why join us

As soon as you arrive, you will be integrated into our teams and will learn every day alongside our experts, who will support you in your tasks. Gradually, you will become more independent in your projects, making this experience a real career accelerator. You will also discover all the diversity of our businesses, in a sector that is constantly evolving and innovating.

At the end of your VIE, various opportunities could be offered to you, in France and abroad.

Business insight

At Societe Generale, we are convinced that people are drivers of change, and that the world of tomorrow will be shaped by all their initiatives, from the smallest to the most ambitious.
Whether you're joining us for a period of months, years or your entire career, together we can have a positive impact on the future. Creating, daring, innovating and taking action are part of our DNA.
If you too want to be directly involved, grow in a stimulating and caring environment, feel useful on a daily basis and develop or strengthen your expertise, you will feel right at home with us!

Still hesitating?
You should know that our employees can dedicate several days per year to solidarity actions during their working hours, including sponsoring people struggling with their orientation or professional integration, participating in the financial education of young apprentices, and sharing their skills with charities. There are many ways to get involved.

We are an equal opportunities employer and we are proud to make diversity a strength for our company. Societe Generale is committed to recognizing and promoting all talents, regardless of their beliefs, age, disability, parental status, ethnic origin, nationality, gender identity, sexual orientation, membership of a political, religious, trade union or minority organisation, or any other characteristic that could be subject to discrimination.

Reference: 240006LW
Entity: SG CIB
Starting date: immediate

Publication date: 2024/03/18

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