Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning, Digital Marketing / Data Marketing
Paris, Casablanca, Dubai, Duisburg, London, Madrid, Shanghai
Aide au logement 🏠
Mobilité à l'international 🌍
Accompagnement TéléTravail 🌟
CSE avantageux 🌟
Séminaire d'entreprise
Career development
- Perspectives verticales - évaluation de compétence semestrielles pour une évolution hiérarchique.
- Perspectives horizontales - mobilités internationales dans l'un de nos 17 bureaux.
Testimonial from {nom}, {poste}
Diplômé de l’ESSEC et de la chaire Accenture en Business Analytics, Killian a commencé sa carrière en tant que Data Analyst pour TF1 Publicité. Il a ensuite choisi de se tourner vers des problématiques Data Science dans le crédit en ligne. C'est pour mettre à profit cette double expertise Data et Marketing qu'il rejoint Artefact en 2019 en tant que Consultant Data. Il a orienté sa carrière dans le Product Ownering et est aujourd'hui Manager Confirmé.
Mentoring (système de parrainage)
Certifications Data (Partenariat avec Azure, AWS, GMP, GCP)
Plateforme Knowledge Interne
Cours (Langue, Data Visualisation, coaching...)
Training Day hebdomadaire
Work life
Team rituals and events
- Week-end annuel d'entreprise
- Soirées trimestrielles
- Afterworks hebdomadaires
- Team building trimestriel
- Petits Dej hebdomadaire
Latest job posts
Manager Software Engineer - Paris
- Full-Time
- Paris
- A few days at home
Stage : Sémantique pour améliorer la recherche et réduire les coûts des LLM
- Internship
- Paris
- A few days at home
Senior Data Consultant - Paris
- Full-Time
- Paris
- A few days at home
Graduate LLM Engineer
- Full-Time
- Brussels
- A few days at home
Artefact is a consulting firm specialized in AI and Data. We are convinced that marketing cannot be optimized without engineering and technology, that’s why we identify as “marketing engineers”. In order to improve the performance and impact of brands, and consumers’ experience, we assemble lots of different talents: data application engineers, data scientists, creatives and designers, advertising strategists and consultants. In only four years, Artefact has become one of the international references for Data and IA expertise. The society counts today more than 1000 collaborators worldwide, in 17 countries and gathers 3 complementary offers: Data Consulting, Digital Marketing expertise and the Deployment of Technologies (Big Data and Artificial Intelligence).
What they are looking for
Artefact is looking for candidates coming from top-ranking business and engineering schools, and most importantly people who are passionate about digital marketing and data!
The competencies and values we stand for at Artefact? Intellectual curiosity, dynamism and entrepreneurial spirit!
Good to know
By joining the team, you will be able to : Join your colleagues for breakfast, afterwork or happiness animations.
Challenge your gaming abilities with your coworkers at our video games room
Eliminate all kilos you gain at the snack bar, during our sports sessions
Participate each day in a more ambitious and more innovative project than yesterday (who has launched the first chatbot with Google ? Artefact !)
Develop your competencies on every subject you are interested in thanks to your colleagues’ expertise and training days.