Digiteq Automotive

Automovilístico, Inteligencia artificial/Aprendizaje automático, Software

Praha, Brno, Mladá Boleslav, Plzeň

Jasna joined the company in March 2022 as a Python developer. She works in the voice control team. She is involved in the automation of digital assistants for Audi. From the position of Chapter Leader, she then further takes care of the development of the Python developers in her department. Automotive has always been an attractive sector for her because it is a dynamic environment that is constantly changing and evolving. That gives her plenty of opportunities to learn new things.

What she appreciates about Digiteq is that it provides ample opportunities for growth for those who want it and highlights the expertise and willingness of colleagues. She likes that employees can change careers within the company if they choose at some point in their journey. If she had the opportunity to describe Digiteq Automotive in a few words, she would choose terms like innovation, youth, and prosperity.

Jakub's career at Digiteq Automotive is very inspiring. In eight years, he has managed to advance and gain experience in various areas, from concept to project management. Moreover, as a car and computer fan, this job is a real dream for him. He has developed a wide range of competencies in UX and UI design and has become an expert in project management processes.

Jakub positively perceives the culture of the company, which, despite its size, still has the characteristics of a start-up. He currently coordinates and supports project teams that are dedicated to user concept specification, user research, and simulation development in the areas of virtual and augmented reality. Best of all, it collaborates with Volkswagen Group companies and is regularly involved in new and exciting projects.

He boasts a rather unique job, as there are not many people in a similar position in the whole of Europe. He and his team are involved in developing systems that are used by millions of people on the roads: adaptive cruise control and lane-keeping systems. He has a direct impact on improving driver safety, which is where he sees the added value of his work. It contributes to reducing the risk of accidents and therefore always approaches development with the utmost responsibility.

In his free time, he likes to travel to some unusual locations that are not normally accessible. He's not a fan of last-minute trips with a tour company, so, for example, they rented a car for a month and did a road trip across North America. He's planning something similar in the South, where they'll look at a few states. Back home in the Czech Republic, he tries to play sports, mostly he enjoys skating or cycling. He also likes to go for a run with his dog.

Lukáš joined as a Software Requirement Engineer in 2021 and was subsequently promoted to the role of Chapter Leader, which brings together the functions of Product Owner, System Engineering, and Software Requirement Engineering. His main job is to find out what the customer actually wants and specify it so that the development team knows what to do.

What Luke appreciates about Digiteq is that he is not afraid of new approaches in software engineering. He sees a big advantage in the ongoing agile transformation of the company, which helps him respond flexibly to customer needs. He sees the biggest challenge of the entire industry in autonomous driving projects, where the car will become a smart companion and one will not have to touch the steering wheel to get from point A to point B.

Robert joined Digiteq Automotive in 2016. He describes the automotive world as a place with a lot of technologies that are constantly evolving due to trends. As a result, this world is not lagging, and there is always something to learn. He first started at the company as a specialist, where he was responsible for graphic specifications. Gradually, he worked his way up to the position of coordinator and is now project manager for HMI testing and development.

Part of Robert's job is to coordinate the whole team, so he takes care of distributing work to colleagues, creating a collaborative environment, and of course, ultimately delivering deliverables to the customer. His team tests the dashboard units from a functional and visual (HMI) perspective to achieve error-free software.

Honza has been at Digiteq for three years. He is currently working as an air conditioning control unit tester. His job description includes not only testing the unit but also working with prototypes on a daily basis, reporting results, testing according to customer specifications, and analyzing errors.

Digiteq Automotive caught his eye because they work on developing electronics for the automotive industry. Honza is interested in technology and cars themselves, so he is happy to have found a place where his hobby also feeds him. Digiteq was an obvious choice for him. What he highlights most about the work team is that they are young and friendly. He is currently preparing for a new project called Kessy. It's about keyless access to the vehicle. In this project, Honza will be the new test manager.

In Václav's team, they are responsible for the serial development, pre-development, and testing of components for reversing camera assistance systems. He enjoys the challenge that computer vision for cars brings. Computer vision is generally computationally intensive, but the processors in the cars it has to work with are usually not powerful enough. It is then up to them to be able to run any algorithms at all in real time. They develop preferably in C++, occasionally some prototypes in Python.

Václav has a Master's degree from Matfyz and a PhD from FIT CVUT. He worked at the Academy of Sciences for 8 years. Within their department, they created a study group. They are colleagues who are interested in computer vision but have never worked on it before. It helps them with self-study, and they meet about once a month to discuss, for example, a topic not commonly found in the literature, an interesting solution from their projects, unusual applications of probabilistic models, and similar topics.

Václav is glad that the company actively supports this because everyone improves each other. Digiteq Automotive is very supportive of their education, whether through the study group or meeting regularly with colleagues to discuss scientific findings. They also have a decent budget for various courses, which Václav uses a lot. He likes that his work does not interfere with his free time, which he enjoys spending with his family. His favorite hobbies include reading or the board game Go.

About the company

Digiteq Automotive designs, develops, and deploys complex electronic systems that make driving safer and more comfortable. For example, they teach cars to perform selected actions autonomously or ensure that cars "talk"; not only to each other but also to you and their surroundings. Their parent companies, Skoda Auto and CARIAD, are part of the Volkswagen Group, as is Digiteq Automotive. This allows them to participate in projects for several of the Volkswagen Group´s brands. They boast state-of-the-art development and testing laboratories in Prague, Pilsen, Mladá Boleslav, and the latest in Brno. Some of their biggest projects include robotic parking or carsharing technology.

Who we are looking for

The range of services they provide, and therefore the variety of profiles they look for in a company, is wide. They are expanding their teams with both junior candidates (and fresh graduates) and experienced professionals, not only from the automotive world. The candidates must have an interest in new technologies, team spirit, knowledge of a foreign language (AJ or NJ), and a desire to participate in creating the future of the automotive industry.

They understand that everyone has a personal life. If needed, it is no problem to take time off that is not taken from vacation. Later in the month, the day off can be made up with overtime. Since they are in the automotive industry, they can offer their employees services that they do not get as individuals. For example, more advantageous operating leases or services on Skoda cars. They invest heavily in training and tailor courses to suit everyone´s needs for their job.

It's good to know

They test electronic systems in laboratories before they can go out into the world. In virtual reality, they can simulate complex situations, including traffic obstacles, and take driver behavior into account. This allows them to try out several scenarios to determine which one will better prepare the software under test for the real world. The sharing economy has been a trend in recent years, so they are working on systems that will make car sharing easier, even for older cars.

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