Brianna Doe

Leadership and personal branding expert

Área de especialización
Candidatura & Búsqueda de empleo
Encuentra a Brianna Doe en:

From a young age, Brianna was drawn to storytelling - in all forms. She filled hundreds of notebooks (which her mom still stores in her garage), captured thousands of photos, and watched every movie she could get her hands on. That love for storytelling is what led her to marketing. Currently the Director of Demand Generation at a fintech startup, she’s spent the past decade blending storytelling and data to drive impact for global brands. Recognized as one of the Top 100 LinkedIn Creators and one of 16 Powerful Women in Content Marketing, she believes in the power of words to build brands, spark thought-provoking conversations, and help people market themselves. She also runs what makes you tick, an online platform where creatives share their stories and lessons, and The Career Lab, a coaching platform that teaches people how to make intentional career moves. Beyond her professional pursuits, Brianna volunteers as a film festival judge, mentors college students and entry-level professionals, and is currently teaching herself how to tattoo and whittle. She’s also a fierce defender of the Oxford comma.

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