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Project Manager - Internship

Sumár práce
Stáž(6 mesiac/-e/-ov)
Plat: Neuvedené
Príležitostná práca na diaľku
Zručnosti & odborná znalosť
Generovaný obsah
Pozornosť venovaná detailom
Riadenie projektu
Schopnosť motivovať ostatných
Digitálna kultúra
Komunikačné zručnosti

The Sandbox
The Sandbox

Máte záujem o túto ponuku?



Popis pracovnej ponuky

Who we are

The Sandbox is building a decentralized metaverse, empowering creators and players to come together and build the world they’ve always wanted. It is our mission to build an inclusive and open metaverse. Building the bridge between blockchain, social experiences, and gaming. Creating long-lasting relationships through the power of community, creativity, and NFTs.

The LAND team is at the core of our ecosystem, releasing the tokens allowing gaming studios and independent developers to release their own worlds and game experiences. In charge of releasing new tokens, but also maintaining the value and utility of the current environment, the LAND team is at the crossroad between Product, Marketing and Business.

We’re seeking an ambitious intern to join our team as a Project Manager within our LAND ecosystem. The ideal candidate will have recently completed their course of study and be eager to embark on their final internship experience. This internship offers the potential for a full-time position upon successful completion.

What you’ll be doing:

As part of the LAND team, you will be working closely with the LAND Ecosystem Director in order to: 

  • Schedule and plan for the upcoming LAND Sales (timeline, partners, themes…),

  • Sync with the different teams to make the launch of each LAND Sale a success (Marketing, Product, Blockchain, Business…),

  • Manage the network of LAND Owners to keep them updated over the recent news and changes, 

  • Follow-up regularly on all LAND Owner rewards and Premium NFTs

  • Participate in defining the strategy for future LAND Sales and overall LAND deployment strategy,

  • Be in touch with partners and coordinate the launch of their LAND into The Sandbox ecosystem.

Preferované skúsenosti

What are we looking for:

  • Currently completing a bachelor’s degree in business administration, marketing, communications, or a related field

  • Previous internship in a similar role preferred

  • Strong organizational skills

  • Excellent communication and networking skills

  • Detail-oriented

  • Analytical mindset

  • Proactive attitude

  • Both French and English (spoken and written)

You might also have:

  • Understanding of gaming and digital worlds

  • Understanding of web3, blockchain technology

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