Táto pozícia už nie je k dispozícii.

Gameplay Programmer

Sumár práce
Zmluva na dobu neurčitú
Plat: Neuvedené
Žiadna práca na diaľku
skúsenosti: > 5 rokov
Zručnosti & odborná znalosť
Generovaný obsah
Unreal engine


Máte záujem o túto ponuku?



Popis pracovnej ponuky

Your mission:

As a Gameplay Programmer, you'll play a crucial role in developing our latest online multiplayer PC and Console game. You'll be responsible for creating and optimizing the code behind this new fun experience for our players! 

What you will do :

  • Create Gameplay Features (3C, UI, Metagame systems)
  • Collaborate with GD and Art team and understand their needs
  • Collaborate with other programmers from the GPP, Online and Engine teams to share experience and provide multiplayer ready gameplay
  • Conceive systems that can be extended or used in future games
  • Profile and optimize code
  • Provide documentation

Preferované skúsenosti

Who you are:

  • Minimum of 5 years of experience in PC / Console game development
  • Experience with multiplayer systems
  • Good knowledge of C++
  • Good knowledge of Unreal Engine
  • Strong notions of Game Design principles to be able to propose adequate solutions to Game Designer needs
  • Competency in software architecture, bug fixing and problem solving
  • Be familiar with Perforce
  • Team spirit, ability to communicate and share knowledge

Some cool nices to have: 

  • AI programming knowledge
  • 3D programming knowledge
  • Experience with C# and Unity

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