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Junior Full Stack Developer

Resumen del puesto
Salario: 32K a 40K €
Fecha de inicio: 29 de febrero de 2024
Teletrabajo ocasional
Experiencia: > 2 años
Competencias y conocimientos
Contenido generado
Metodologías ágiles


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El puesto

Descripción del puesto

ModaResa is a cutting-edge technology company specialising in fashion and lifestyle industry solutions. Our flagship product, ModaResa, is a revolutionary platform that digitises showroom scheduling for virtual and in-person buying appointments. ModaResa empowers fashion professionals to streamline their processes, enhance collaboration, and make data-driven decisions in a rapidly evolving industry.

Position Overview:

We are seeking a talented and motivated Junior Full Stack Developer to join our dynamic team. As a Junior Full Stack Developer for ModaResa, you will play a crucial role in enhancing and expanding the features of our software. You will collaborate with cross-functional teams to address various constraints, ensuring a seamless and efficient experience for users engaging in virtual and in-person buying appointments.


Deploy regularly high quality features

  • Deploy at least once a week features in production with 95% code coverage

  • Handle, master and simplify a complex business domain

  • Help our front end specialist to build an amazing User Interface

Build a performant and resilient system

  • Create a scalable and performant architecture easy to maintain, well tested and documented

  • Offers system response time less than 100 ms for the 99 percentile

  • Maintain a SLA of 99 so less than 3 days of downtime a year

Identify feature improvements with a high ROI to avoid churn and enable sales team to acquire new clients

We offer

  • Enter at an early stage in a key role for a product with demonstrated high traction and successful execution

  • See how your work has a direct impact on an archaic and analog industry

  • Work from LVMH’s accelerator at Station F in Paris or remote work possible + remote team retreats in cool places.

  • Salary depending on profile (€32K - €40K)


This must speak to you

  • You are a reliable, trustworthy and inspiring team player never satisfied with the status quo

  • You are known for your growth mindset, high standards and good communication skills

  • You are a professional who delivers regularly code that is tested and easily maintainable

  • You truly thrive in a fast-paced, analytical but informal environment

  • You tend towards growing at company rather than changing jobs often

  • You are used to working with an agile framework/lean/kanban methodology


  • Minimum Bachelor degree in Computer Science, Information Technology or similar, but if you’re a self-learner and can show to high performing teams and products in a longer professional experience, that works too

  • You have at least 2 years of professional experience from Alternance/Traineeship or CI/CD

  • You speak fluently english as a minimum, French is a bonus

  • You know how to design a database architecture and make it accessible to others developers with clear boundaries

  • You know how to maintain a NodeJS application in production with monitoring and the capacity to solve performance issues

  • BONUS: you have some knowledge in Python, Domain Driven Design

Our evolving Tech Stack 👾

  • Frontend technologies: React, Typescript

  • Backend technologies: NodeJS, NestJs, Typescript, REST API

  • Database: PostgreSQL (managed by CleverCloud)

  • File management: S3 Compatible file storage

  • Monitoring:  Sentry

  • Mail management:  Postmark

  • Authentication: Firebase authentication

  • Infrastructure: CleverCloud and Cloudflare

  • Code hosting:  Github

  • CI: Github Actions

Proceso de selección

  1. We asses your motivation letter and video, along with your CV.

  2. If we see there is a potential mutual match, we invite your for a first short introductory culture fit call over google meet call of 20 minutes.

  3. Technical home test (4 Hours)

  4. Live technical test and assessment of your home test.

  5. 1 hour in-depth interview on your past professional experience.

  6. Last culture fit interview with founder in person (ideally) in Paris.

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