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Data Scientist Algorithm Engineer

Salario: No especificado
Teletrabajo ocasional
Formación: Licenciatura / Máster


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El puesto

Descripción del puesto


As a Data Scientist Algorithm Engineer Intern at Escape, your role will be pivotal in shaping the future of cybersecurity. At the crossroads of high-performance computing, algorithmics, cybersecurity, machine learning and software architecture, you will exercise high responsibilities, work on state-of-the-art algorithms and have an immediate impact in the success of the company. Would you like to make an impact on this scale? Join our team!


  • You will contribute in the design of our Core Technology that aims to detect security flaws in APIs, by generating smart attack chains on APIs from the outside to detect complex business logic vulnerabilities

  • You will develop state-of-the-art Machine Learning algorithms applied to cybersecurity

  • You will find the most efficient and maintainable algorithms to explore complex graphs

  • You will develop your cybersecurity knowledge within a highly skilled environment 😉

  • You will contribute to open source projects linked to our activity at Escape

  • You will have the opportunity to write and submit research papers about Machine Learning, Graph Theory applied to cybersecurity and Software Quality Assessment

  • You will be able to talk to globally renowned conferences: Linux Foundation San Francisco, SREDays London, BSides Singapour, APIDays Paris, etc

  • You will design, implement and support microservices to analyse the security data produced by our AI security scanner

  • You will help in continually improve reporting and analysis processes, profiling and optimizing code



  • You are enrolled in a Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree in Software Engineering, Computer Science, Mathematics, Data Science, or Cybersecurity

  • Experience in test-driven development

  • Experience as a Software Engineer


  • Fluent in Python 3

  • A strong interest in Cybersecurity

  • Advanced knowledge in Data Processing and Data Science

  • Knowledge of APIs design and development (especially GraphQL)

  • Proficiency in English (written/oral)

  • Proactive and not afraid to share your ideas

Bonus point

  • Experience with GitLab

  • You’re fond of Graph Theory

  • Love to grab a drink after tedious work 😎

Proceso de selección

  1. 🧠 First test to assess your skills

  2. 📞 RH Call to meet you

  3. 💪 Tech Challenge to see what you can do !

  4. 🤖 Meeting with someone from the tech team

  5. 🚀 Meeting with our CTO and Co-founder Antoine !

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