Head of People

Shrnutí práce
Plný úvazek
Plat: Neuvedeno
Žádná práce na dálku
zkušenosti: > 7 let
Dovednosti a odbornost
Řízení lidských zdrojů
Komunikační dovednosti


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Popis pozice

This position is not remote-friendly and is based in Paris, where our offices are.

At Joko, we believe talent is our most precious asset. As the Head of People, you will play a crucial role in overseeing all aspects of HR and talent management within our organization. You will report directly to the CEO and will manage a team composed of the Talent Acquisition Manager and the Office Manager. This is a key leadership position, and you will be responsible for building a high-performing team over time.


  • Talent Acquisition

    • Collaborate with the Head of Brand to enhance employer branding initiatives

    • Develop partnerships with schools and communities to attract top talent

    • Implement effective hunting strategies to identify and recruit the best talents

    • Streamline interview processes and ensure we offer an outstanding candidate experience

    • Challenge and improve the onboarding processes

  • People Growth

    • Implement learning and development initiatives and resources for all our talents

    • Own the performance review process to drive employee growth

    • Work closely with managers to create career development paths for employees

    • Foster employees’ well-being through surveys and initiatives

  • People Operations

    • Manage the compensation program including salary structures, incentives and benefits

    • Handle people legal topics, including compliance and working contracts

    • Oversee the payroll processes

    • Organize offsites and company events

  • Company Culture

    • Continuously challenge and reinforce the company culture to foster the best possible work environment for our team

Požadavky na pozici

  • Experience: You have 8y+ experience in People topics (including talent acquisition), you have managed a team, ideally in a fast growing environment.

  • Languages: You are fluent in French and English (as our team is international), both written and spoken.

  • Communication: You have strong written and verbal communication skills, and you are able to explain something complex with simple words.

  • Interpersonal skills: You have great interpersonal skills and are always eager to build new relationships and feed them with regular and qualitative contacts.

  • Mindset: You are passionate about People topics and dedicated to helping teams grow and have an entrepreneurial mindset: you like challenges and getting hands-on.

  • Attention to details: You know that the devil is in the details, and you have a talent for spotting flaws if there are any.

Proces náboru

  • 15-min call with the Hiring Manager

  • 45-min personality interview with two team members

  • A case study followed by a 45-min debrief

  • 45-min Founders interview

  • Reference calls

You might also be invited to meet other team members at the office for a coffee or a drink!

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