Arabic-speaking Translator and News Monitor

Smlouva na dobu určitou(6 až 12 měsíce/měsíců)
Hong Kong
Plat: Neuvedeno
Počáteční datum: 30. června 2024
Žádná práce na dálku

Agence France-Presse
Agence France-Presse

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Popis pozice

  • Global news agency AFP is looking for a self-starter with passion on news and media, who also can thrive in a competitive, fast-paced environment.

  • We are looking for a new recruit to monitor news from the Middle East and to translate statements and reports to help AFP journalists cover the region. The successful candidate will be working weekdays but also regularly weekends from an AFP office in the Asia Pacific Region.

  • We are open for applications other than from Hong Kong within the Asia Pacific region.

Požadavky na pozici

  • Fluent reading and listening comprehension of Arabic, as well as English is a must.  Knowledge of Hebrew and/or French would be a plus

  • Candidates need not necessarily have a background in journalism. However, they must have a good understanding of Middle East news, and they must also be neutral, objective and honest with a good judgement on what piece of information would be relevant

  • Candidates must also demonstrate they are team players, ready to help out colleagues dedicated to covering major developments from the Middle East

  • Crucially, candidates must be social media natives, able to monitor across platforms while also keeping an eye on major news websites in Arabic and English

  • They must have good communication skills and also show they can work quickly and accurately, even under pressure

  • The successful candidate must have the eligibility to work in the country they are based in

Proces náboru

Please apply with a CV and Cover Letter by clicking on APPLY

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for further steps in the recruitment process.

AFP is committed to equal opportunities and greater diversity within its teams. We therefore encourage all applications in order to preserve the wealth of profiles, cultures and languages that constitute the strength of our network.

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