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Data Analyst - Internship - Paris

Stáž(5 až 6 mesiace/-ov)
Plat: 1,5K až 2K € za mesiac
Dátum nástupu: 01. septembra 2024
Príležitostná práca na diaľku
Vzdelanie: Bakalársky stupeň vzdelania


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About Stockly

Stockly is a retail-tech company that targets to solve the problem of out-of-stock products in e-commerce. With our technology, e-retailers can keep selling out-of-stock products, making other retailers ship them directly to consumers.

Our product is live across Europe and convinces more clients every day. Our mission is to create the world first global inventory for retail. To better understand what we do, check out our French pitch at BFMTV, or our English pitch at Techstars.

We are looking for a smart and talented Data Analyst Intern to join the BI team working closely with our CTO Oscar, our Head of Network Pierre, our Financial Officer Etienne and our Business Developers (e.g. Matthieu & Yann). The BI is currently composed of Maria and Anouar.

You can apply even if it is to start in 6 months!


[This is not a Data “Scientist” position, there are no Machine Learning or Artificial Intelligence components for now]

To tackle our cross team challenges, you are a candidate willing to actively participate to the company development. In our growing team, everyone is key including you as you will be working on the frontier of several domains:

  • Develop and maintain SQL dashboards, to monitor data and analyse performance

  • Extract and interpret data for business requirements

  • Train colleagues on data extraction & interpretation

  • Identify new features to make our product evolve according to usage and needs

Everytime you will face recurring tasks or pain points, you will be in charge of finding and implementing solution to tackle this and help the company and team move to next stage.


Tackling an international market in a fast growing startup, you’ll have three main challenges:

Complexity: a lot can happen in an e-commerce transaction, specially when you connect multiple players.

Performance: Stockly manages tens of millions of articles, that’s a hell of a lot of web requests per day.

Scalability: Being focus on growth, we require that published code still work with ten times more volume.

💝 About your future benefits

  • Competitive packages: for this position, package range is typically 1500-2000€ depending on the profile (e.g. basic knowledge to expert). We have a well defined and objective salary grid that is based on both skills level and scarcity of profiles 💸

  • Meal vouchers by Swile 🍽️

  • 50% reimbursement of your Navigo Pass 🚋

  • A central and amazing working environment in le Sentier (Paris) 💼

  • Flexible and remote-friendly policy 🏡

  • Possibility to take a few paid days-off to be discussed with Team Leader 🏄

  • Stockly dinners together every other Thursday 🍻

  • Stockly breakfasts together every other Friday 🥐

  • Coffee, tea and fruits available everyday 🍇

  • Climbing, football & more teams 🧗

  • If your internship goes well for both you and Stockly, why not join us? We are growing fast, there is space for every amazing people!

⚙️ About how we work

  • Every team has a daily meeting to align on priorities and solve issues ⇒ You won’t be left alone!

  • Every Monday we have a global weekly meeting where every team shares what they are working on and what they will do for the coming week ⇒ You will have visibility on the whole company!

  • Every quarter we have our OKR meeting (Objectives, Key Results) where each team shows the results of the previous quarter and the objectives of the following one ⇒ You will see the company grow and your own role inside of it!

  • During all these meetings everyone can challenge each other and all questions are more than welcome ⇒ Transparency is one of our key values, and we are always open to new ideas!

Preferované skúsenosti

You see yourself in the following:

– You are analytical and strongly believe any claim should be backed by data
– You have good knowledge in SQL
– You have some experience with relation database, preferably cloud based
– You are autonomous
– You are a smart & quick learner
– You love learning from others and humbly sharing knowledge with them
– You are hard working and have a hands on mindset
– You are well-organized & efficient
– You pay attention to details
– You come from a top engineering or business school
– You love math and logic
– You can speak English

If you want to work with an ambitious team who wants to become #1 in the market in a fast paced environment, this is the place for you!🚀

Náborový proces

🏎️ Our process goes fast, we are reactive and we adapt to your availabilities, we can typically go through the whole process in 2-3 weeks:

  1. 30min video-call with our Talent Acquisition Manager

  2. SQL entry-test

  3. One hour face-to-face interview with our CTO Oscar

🏡 Part of the process can be done remotely if you have constraints

We always respond to emails and give feedback throughout the process, whether it works out or not!

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