Lead développeur/ingénieur

Salaire : Non spécifié
Télétravail fréquent
Expérience : > 5 ans


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Le poste

Descriptif du poste

🔎 What we are looking for

As lead software engineer, you’ll be working hand in hand with Thibault (Trackstone’s co-founder and CTO) and the engineering team to build Trackstone’s next generation of real estate investment marketplace. In addition, you will also help put together a team of dedicated people (engineers, data scientists, project managers and real estate analysts). Your goals will be to :

  • Build and coach a technical team, allowing everyone to grow and give their full potential

  • Challenge the existing technical strategy and set up objectives to support our growth

  • Develop, deploy and maintain all the new features for the marketplace

  • Design the product to provide fluidity, efficiency and quality

  • Ensure quality of our technical stack and software reliability

  • Ensure code review and knowledge sharing across the team

Our current stack includes PHP (Laravel), JS (Vue), SQL (cloudSQL), Redis, Google Cloud Platform, Firebase, Github and we are looking for the best talents ready to improve it, change it and mold it to make it their own.

Profil recherché

  • 5+ years of software engineer experience on full-stack web apps. Experience of managing tech teams is a plus.

  • Previous hands-on experience in JavaScript, PHP and MySQL is required

  • An interest in real-estate and the real-estate investment world is a plus

  • Entrepreneurial mindset: you thrive in fast-paced environments where you have broad responsibilities and opportunities.

  • Ownership mentality: you are a doer and have a bias for action, no task is below you.

  • Organization skills: you know how to prioritize and split your tasks efficiently.

  • Team player: you enjoy sharing and learning from each other.

  • Initiative and innovation: you don’t hesitate to challenge and suggest new practices.

  • Product lover: you fully understand what we want to bring to our users, and you are

    eager to deliver the best possible UX to them.

  • Abstraction ability: you are able to step back and rethink our model globally.

  • Strong attention to details: code quality is important for you and you set a high bar

Déroulement des entretiens

  • Preparation : Apply and include anything you feel like could help make your profile stand out to us : letter, linkedin profile, github link etc.

  • Step 1 : A 1h30 call with Thibault to get to know each other, assess mutual fit and discuss the role in detail, your experiences and your expectations

  • Step 2 : Reference calls

  • Step 3 : A 30 minutes to 1 hour with Florent (CEO) and Thibault

  • Final step : Let’s get started !

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